Shortcut is the place where forward-thinking engineering teams manage their work. 2 years ago, Shortcut launched Power Bar, powered by Command AI, which gives power users instant access to quick actions throughout Shortcut. Since then, hundreds of thousands of users have unsheathed Power Bar to slice and dice their projects and ship quickly.
Today, Shortcut is taking usability to the next level and launching another experience for user assistance: HelpHub — one interface for users to figure out how to fully utilize Shortcut.

How does this help me, a Shortcut user?
HelpHub changes the game for Shortcut users:
- If you frequently find yourself asking, "How do I do X in Shortcut?" - HelpHub is your answer. Access to all support content inside the Shortcut app, so you can open tutorials side-by-side with your workspace and follow along.
- Want to improve your understanding of Shortcut's features and functionalities? Just search and HelpHub will surface up the most relevant content.
Imagine if you had 24/7 access to Shortcut’s best support agents, waiting to answer all your questions — no matter how niche. That’s HelpHub.
How do I use this magical HelpHub?
To get started, simply visit the Shortcut site and click the Help button in the top right corner and the HelpHub magically appears.
If you need help, take a look at this helpful post on the Shortcut blog. Or watch the video above ✨