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2 minute read · Published February 22, 2022

Welcoming Manaan Alexander

Latest Update September 13, 2024

How did you learn about Command AI?
Command AI was a client of mine at my last company. I had really enjoyed working with the founders and found the product to be really cool (I’m a huge fan of products with great design and and UX), so the vision was really in line. It was a natural transition to join the team full-time!

What do you work on at Command AI?
Pretty much everything that’s not product! This includes customer support, scaling the team, and company building.

What are you most excited to do in your role?
I’m so excited to lead the charge on culture at Command AI! We already have a great foundation, and since we’re growing so fast there are so many opportunities to involve the entire team in building a generational company — from retreats, to value-setting exercises, to having everyone contribute to making Command AI a great place to work.

What do you like to do outside of work?
I play intramural soccer for a team in New York! I play defense. I’ve been playing soccer for the past 4 years and played ice hockey back in high school. In the summer, my husband and I like to bike around the city.

Outside of sports/activities, I’m a huge fan of wine! I love learning, trying out different wines, and supporting wine businesses in New York. NYC has access to wines from all over the world.

Do you have any pets?
I have a dog named Cordelia. She also goes by Corrie, Dilly, Dilly bean, and Cordelia Whirlwind Tail.

Where have you lived?
All over the US! I’m originally from Maine and left at 17. I did my first semester of college in the Bay Area, then later moved to college in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and finally finished undergrad in Maryland. I went to Chicago for grad school — fun fact: I have a Masters in Philosophy in Religion. I’ve also lived in Virginia, Boston, Connecticut, and Maine (again), and now I live in Brooklyn.

What have you been reading lately?
I just started reading a really good book last night, The Rose Code. It’s historical fiction about female code breakers in World War 2.

I’ve also been re-reading my favorite series by N.K Jemisin.

What’s a typical weekend for you?
It’s hard to say since NYC is so seasonal, so it varies. But on an average Saturday, I go to the farmer’s market and do something social, and on Sunday, I love to spend time reading after going to a Ceramics class.

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