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Human agent handoff

Sometimes users want that human touch. We've all been there. Mashing 0 while on the phone with some bot that is patronizingly making keyboard clicking sounds to pretend like it's human.

Copilot doesn't pretend to be human (it's proudly robot) but there are some times when a human is needed. To handle these cases, you can connect Copilot to whatever vendor you're using for human chat so that a user can seamlessly move from Copilot to human when needed.

In general, there are two types of handoff. Read on to discover them.

Types of handoff

Native handoff

Native handoff refers to situations where the user stays within the Copilot interface when being handed off. This allows the conversation to continue seamlessly, while making clear to the user they are now talking to a human.

Third-party handoff

Third-party handoff results in the user leaving Copilot and opening up a third-party chat client to begin their conversation with a human.

Other types of handoff

For certain CX platforms, Copilot supports other means of handoff, including:

  • Creating tickets that can be responded to via email (without the user having to send an email themselves)
  • Connceting to a phone support system to initiate a call from Copilot

Setting up handoff

To determine the best handoff method for your company, talk to us. There are nuances based on which CX platform you're using, and which version of the platform you're currently on.