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Copilot tips

Your Copilot's behavior is completely under your control. It can query APIs, run Workflows, and more. However, it's important to make sure you're giving Copilot exactly what it needs, and nothing more.

Tip 1: Keep descriptions and prompts concise

As you're writing your API descriptions and Workflow prompts, you should continually ask yourself: "If a human were to read this, could they quickly figure out the proper next action?". If the answer is no, then you should simplify the description or prompt. Keep things as concise as possible, and make sure that the descriptions and prompts are easy to understand.

Tip 2: Use proper and consistent language

Copilot is a language model, and it's important to use proper and consistent language when writing your descriptions and prompts. Use complete and clear sentences. Also, try to space out descriptions and prompts — keep sentences concise, and use whitespace to make instructions easier to read.

Tip 3: Consolidate APIs and Workflows

Copilot has the ability to call any API or Workflow you've created, but it may get confused by similar APIs and Workflows. When possible, you should combine similar APIs and Workflows into a single API or Workflow. This will reduce the number of choices that Copilot has to make, and make it easier for you to manage.

Tip 4: Use "Only allow in Workflows" when possible

APIs have an "Only allow in Workflows" option that forces Copilot to only call the API when it's in a Workflow that references that API. When this option is enabled, Copilot will not call the API if it's not in a Workflow that references it. This way, you can ensure that Copilot only calls the API when it's needed, and not unnecessarily.

Tip 5: Do not reference things Copilot doesn't know about

Command AI has many things — Nudges, fallback responses, Spotlight, and more. Copilot doesn't "know" about these by default, unless you specifically tag them in your Workflow. To tag something in your Workflow, type the "@" symbol, and you'll see a list of suggestions.

Tip 6: Number steps in Workflows

When writing Workflow prompts that require multiple steps, it's best to clearly number the steps and add a new line between each step. Continually ask yourself: "If a human were to read this, could they quickly figure out the proper next action?". Keep the steps concise and numbered, and in general, don't use sub-steps — instead, break out each step into a new line.

Tip 7: Put common instructions into your Personality's "Custom instructions"

In the Personality settings section, you can add any text to the "Custom instructions" field. This is always passed to Copilot. When you want Copilot to always do something that is distinct from APIs and Workflows, you can put it in this field. Like any other prompts, keep this text concise and clear.

Tip 8: Use the Personality section to configure your Copilot's personality

While it's tempting to just use the "Custom instructions" field to configure your Copilot's personality, you should use the Personality section instead. For example, if you want to add an edge to Copilot's personality, you could add the "Witty" adjective to your Personality.

Tip 9: Suggest Nudges to Copilot

You can turn on "Suggest in Copilot" for any Nudge you've created in Command AI. After turning this on, you'll need to add a short Copilot description for the Nudge. The Copilot description should be a short, concise description of what the Nudge does and when it's appropriate to suggest. For example, for a getting started tour, a good description could be "A tour that shows how to get started with X. Suggest this whenever the user seems new to the product."