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Insided integration

Setting up the Insided integration

  1. Go to Integrations. Click “Add” on the Insided card.

    Insided integration card

  2. Enter your (a) client ID; (b) client secret; (c) domain; (d) region; (e) content types

    1. Client ID can be found from the Insided/Gainsight admin dashboard
    2. Client secret can be found from the Insided/Gainsight admin dashboard
    3. Domain should be of the pattern
    4. Region by default is US. If you’re not sure which region you use, check the Insided/Gainsight admin dashboard
    5. Select which types of content you want to sync

    Insided integration inputs

  3. Optionally, adjust the settings. For more details on settings, read the section below.

  4. Click “Connect”. Your content will start syncing. Once synced, you can click on the card to see the imported docs.

    Insided import success

Automatic syncs

If on a Growth or Enterprise plan, you can set up your content to sync automatically — either daily or weekly.

Insided integration settings

  1. Sync frequency: The frequency of syncs. Note: automatic syncs are only available on Growth and Enterprise tiers.

    1. Manual — synced manually
    2. Weekly — automatically synced weekly
    3. Daily — automatically synced daily
  2. Default visibility: If set to "Live", your articles will immediately be searchable in Spotlight.

    Integration settings