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Freshchat integration

Configuring the Freshchat chat handoff integration

Copilot will save its chat history to a Freshchat conversation property with the name given in the next steps. When building your flows in Freshchat, you can use the chat history anywhere a conversation property can be used.

  1. Go to Integrations. Click “Add” on the Freshchat card.

    Freshcat integration card

  2. Set the name for the conversation property name that will be used in Freshchat.

    Conversation property name field

Not sure what to name it?

copilot_chat_history is a good name if you aren't already using it in Freshchat.

If you change or use a different property name in Freshchat, make sure you come back here to update it too.

  1. Click Done

Using Copilot chat history in Freshchat

Add the conversation property

  1. Open Admin Settings and search for Conversation Properties

    Admin settings

  2. Add a multi line text property and give it the same name as the one given during integration setup in Command AI integrations.

    Freshchat property name

Use Copilot history in your flows

  1. Open the bot that will be handling the Copilot handoff

    Freshchat bot

  2. Add a conversation property to a node in your flow

    Freshchat adding property

  3. Search for the name of the Copilot chat history property

    Freshchat settingproperty

  4. Publish your flow


This was just one example of how to use the Copilot chat history! Because the chat history is saved in a conversation property, you can use it where conversation properties are available.

Configuring the Freshchat chat handoff integration in Copilot

  1. From Copilot settings, expand the "Interactions" section.

  2. For the CTA: use the “Open third-party chat” option and select “Freshchat”.

    Freshchat open chat CTA

  3. When Copilot can’t find an answer to your user’s query, they’ll have the option to use your fallback CTA.

    Copilot fallback CTA

Configuring the Freshchat chat handoff integration in HelpHub

  1. From HelpHub settings, expand the “Additional Resources” section

  2. Add your Support CTA (e.g., “Chat with support”) and set up the button click to “Open Chat” → Freshchat.

    Freshchat support CTA

  3. Your HelpHub will display your support CTA at the bottom.

    HelpHub support CTA