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Our integrations philosophy

We were good sharers as kids. At least when the sharing was done in a really well-defined way — NOT when the sharing involved arbitrarily handing over the fire truck that we were currently playing with TIMMY!

Anyways, that trait has blossomed into the plethora of integrations which you see below. We have a lot of these today because Command AI is an intentionally-focused product with lots of non-features (features we don’t intend to build because they would distract from our core mission of helping end users use software).

Where we don’t build, we integrate with the best tools out there that our customers are currently using.

There’s two ways to think about our integrations:

  • The list of companies we integrate with: this makes it easy to say “I use Vendor X —> does Command AI integrate with Vendor X —> if so, how does that integration work”
  • The types of integrations we support: the product stack is confusing. Vendors do lots of different things. This cut makes it possible for you to see the types of functionality that Command AI integrates with. For some vendors, there’s a 1:1 map. For others, we integrate with them in multiple ways.

All the companies we integrate with

Here’s a list of every company we have some sort of integration with. You can click each to learn more about how each works.




Data lake


Knowledge base


Community platform


The types of integrations we support

Here are the different functionalities we support via integrations.

  • Knowledge base: Command AI uses content in various ways. To train Copilot, to make articles available in HelpHub, or to nudge users toward useful content.
  • Data (outgoing): Command AI generates a lot of events as a result of users interacting with our experiences. We have our own dashboards, but most of our customers analyze product data somewhere else to. Our outgoing data integrations support this. Destinations include analytics tools (like Amplitude, Mixpanel, and Heap), CDPs (like Segment and Rudderstack), and customer tools (like Salesforce and HubSpot).
  • Data (incoming): One of the key ways Command AI aims to help users is through targeting nudges so that users see only proactive help they care about. A lot of the data to target users comes from Command AI itself, but more is always better. So we’ve built many integrations that import data to make targeting better. That might involve bringing in raw data or structured data (for example, importing a segment of users from an analytics tool where you do that kind of thing). Typically, integrations where we have an outgoing data integration have a correspond incoming integration.
  • Data (search): The data integrations above relate to data about users. We also have integrations to allow users to access their data (that you store for them) from Command AI. The two places this happens are in Spotlight and in Copilot (🤫 it’s coming soon). We access user data through search companies: Algolia, Elastic.
  • CS handoff: we try to help users as much as we can, but sometimes there’s no substitute for a bonafide human. Command AI is not a tool for support agents, but we do integrate with the best in that business (Intercom, Zendesk, Freshworks, HubSpot, and others) to seamlessly hand off to them when the going gets tough. The most obvious place this happens is in Copilot when the user has had enough of us.
  • User group sync: Some analytics tools make it easy to identify cohorts of users for experimentation. For these integrations, we support syncing those cohorts directly to Command AI.
  • Random: We sometimes build integrations just for fun that don’t fit into these categories. For example, we have a Slack integration that pings you when exciting things happen in Command AI (like when a user fills out a survey).
Knowledge baseData (outgoing)Data (incoming)CS handoffData (search)User group sync
Help Scoutx
Vanilla Forumsx

Deprecated integrations

These integrations are no longer officially supported:
