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Role-based access controls (RBAC)

Many teams have many people in their Command AI account doing various things. We take the principle of least privilege seriously at Command AI, and give you the ability to grant members of your team different levels of access depending on what they use Command AI for.

Access roles in Command AI

Command AI currently supports four levels of access roles.

  • Admin – full control and only role that can manage org-level settings (team, billing, etc).
  • Editor – full control over end-user experience; can’t edit org-level settings
  • Contributor – can draft items; can’t edit “live” experiences; can’t impact end-user experience
  • Viewer – read-only version of Contributor role.

How do I set someone's role?

When inviting a new team member to Command AI, you will choose the role they should have. The default for newly added team members is Editor.

Admins have the ability to adjust the role of other team members in their account.